Please note that due to large demand, we are unable to accept new patients until October 2024. For alternative behavioural care options, please refer to our booking page.

What We Do

Pacific Veterinary Behavior Consulting provides consultation services in Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. Most consults are seen in facilities in South Burnaby or North Vancouver, mobile consults are offered as well. Consultations can in some cases be arranged within other areas of British Columbia, though additional fees will apply and availability may vary. Behavioral problems cover a wide array of issues including dog aggression, people aggression, inappropriate elimination, generalized anxiety, separation anxiety, and resource guarding.

Please note that all treatment and training methods recommended by our consultants are based on positive training methods only. No aversive training methods such as shock collars, pinch collars or other punishment based methods will be used.

What to Expect

At your appointment, Dr. Richter will assess your pet and discuss the reported behavioral problems in detail. Once the assessment is complete, Dr. Richter will provide a behavioral diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plan and discuss it with you. The treatment plan will include behavioral and environmental modification recommendations, educational material and training recommendations appropriate for the given diagnosis. Anxiety relieving medications may be prescribed to aid with behavior modification depending on your pet’s condition. This appointment will take approximately 1-2 hours.

What to Prepare

Once you scheduled an appointment on our bookings page, we will send you an online behavioral history form to fill out as well as instructions on other important information required prior to our consult. Please ensure that all family members involved in the care of your pet review the form before submission to get the most information possible. 

Please note that we do recommend recent blood work and a full examination by your regular veterinarian within 3-6 months prior to the behavioral consultation, this service cannot be provided by us. In some cases blood work and a full exam may be required, depending on your pet's age and overall condition and health status. We will discuss this further during our appointment, also refer tot he instructions sent to you. We require your pet's full medical history to be sent to us prior to the appointment. The information from your veterinarian enables us to factor into our assessment any medical conditions your pet may have as well as helps us decide on what medications are appropriate for your pet, should they be needed.  

After Your Session

You will receive a summary of your consultation within 1-2 weeks after the visit.  An follow-up appointment will be made 6-8 weeks after the initial consultation to assess progress and adjust the treatment plan and medications as needed. Further follow-ups will depend on the progress your pet makes. Severe cases may need continued supervision for 4-6 months, but typically the next follow-up is scheduled for 6 months after the initial consult.

Follow-Up Care

Upon completion of your consultation, as well as after every follow-up appointment, your regular veterinarian will receive a copy of all treatment recommendations and progress reports. If you have a positive reinforcement trainer, a copy of all recommendations can be sent to them as well.

*Please note that all our consultations focus on behavioral issues rather than general veterinary care. Please contact your regular veterinarian if there appears to be a medical problem with your pet. If a medical problem is recognized during a behavioral consultation, it will be referred to your regular veterinarian.

veterinary behavior help with dog aggression, cat aggression, anxiety, fear, resource guarding, cat peeing outside of litter box in Vancouver BC Canada.


  • Dog aggression

  • People aggression

  • Anxiety

  • Fear

  • Resource Guarding

  • Inappropriate elimination

How to Get Started

Please see our Booking Page to schedule an appointment. Consultations take place at one of our facilities in South Burnaby, North Vancouver or Vancouver Island. In home consultations can be arranged for an additional fee. Please check our service areas for more information. We also offer long-distance consultations through your veterinarian for clients outside of our service areas. We accept referrals from veterinarians and trainers but you are also free to contact us directly. 


Our fees are also listed on our Booking page

Positive reinforcement training and behavior consultation for your dog or cat with veterinarian Claudia Richter in Vancouver BC Canada.

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."

― Anatole France

pacific veterinary behavior consulting in Vancouver BC Canada for dgos and cats.